Visual Resume

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This is my visual resume.  The topi image is a rough draft.  I drafted this assignment a couple of times before I was able to decide the story I wanted to tell.  The image at the top left is a mind map.  The mind map is basically a summary of the important aspects of my resume.  I focused on my past two work study positions in the University Advising Center, and at the Roger Williams Athletic Department.  In each one I focused on what the job entailed and what skills I earned while working there.  I also focused on my summer job as an office and financial assistant at a local bus company in my town.  I also specified the skills I earned there.  Considering my resume is in a state of transition, instead of focusing on an internship and a small job I had in high school, I focused on the first huge internship I landed in college.  I am starting in June and specified my job description.

I then took these ideas from the mind map and made a timeline of where I worked ad when.  I tried to show the time between each place I’ve worked at in reference to the 2014, 2015, and 2016 markers.  The table in the middle describes each place I’ve worked at, some of the skills I’ve gained from working there, and how long I worked there out of my 25 month long working life.

The bar graph describes the amount of time out of 25 months that I have practiced each skill.  For example, since I have had 2 separate jobs that have given me phone skills, I combined the amount of time I worked at both places to be the total amount of time that I have worked on each skill.  I thought this was interesting though not surprising that I have I am seemingly most skilled in email and phone etiquette.  The pie graph tells me  the percentage of my working life I have spent working at each place.

I had a lot of trouble with this assignment.  I had trouble because my entire resume is about to change considering a future interview at a new work study position, a new summer internship, and yet another summer being spent at my typical summer job.  I need to decide how to rework my resume.  This was a good starting point.  I was quite surprised that Tag was not a larger percentage as it feels as though I spend most of my life there.

I like the final product I created.  I think it tells a unique story about my employment history.  However, it does not convey everything about my resume such as my major, school, language skills, computer skills, or social media skills.  I think if I were to do this again I would make charts about my skills or an infographic about my skills.  However, starting this assignment with the mind map has helped me gather my thoughts immensely.  This assignment has made me feel more organized for when I edit my resume.

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